Wednesday, November 4, 2009


So I've been getting into True Blood lately. On HBO. Had not a whole lot to do last week while I was sick so I caught up on Season 1. There is something that strikes me as either really great acting, great storytelling, or great perception on my part or a combination therein about the scenes where the vampire Bill looks at Sookie. I don't know what it is but there is this amazing sense of combined devotion, love, lust, intensity I find incredibly intriguing. What is that? It makes me think of real life relationships that could have this same intensity but you would never know unless you saw a couple like this or were one of a couple like this.

I like the scenes where he tries desperately to get to her when he knows she's in danger but he is stifled by the daylight. The one episode where he foregoes holding back because it is daylight, he almost burns to a crisp to be there for Sookie. In the next scene where he is back in one piece and waiting on her door step shows what he went through just to see her. Just to be with her. This is some romanticized ideal. Perhaps that is the appeal but I can't get it out of my head what a good feeling it gives.

I like the converations they have because they stare intently at one another. I like the way Bill says Sookie's name. All of this is wrapped into a romantic idealism you don't normally see so I find it refreshing and cute.

I also saw this movie Broken English recently. An indie film with Parker Posey. She meets this French man with whom she falls in love but does not realize it until the end. She's not foolish or crazy about not knowing, just scared and hesistant. But the French guy is also intensely devoted and loving/ caring and seems to say all the right things even when he doesn't know her well and she freaks out in the middle of a cafe they stopped in.

This kind of intensity or love/devotion is rare. I like when it is portrayed on screen. It makes me want to wrap it up and put it in a nice place then pull it out and look at it just to smile and recognize it is out there.

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