Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Brooklyn is the answer!

So I have been thinking alot recently that the reason I think I lost my Brooklynness is just that I am not in Brooklyn. Being the quiet type that I am, when I was in Brooklyn it brought out my true self. It forces you to in a way.  You have to have an attitude because you have to deal with crazies on a regular basis. What do I do here? I get up, get in my car, take the bus to work, sit at my desk, get back on the bus, hang out with A and the dog. What interaction do I have except with the retail people in the stores I shop at? When I first got here, I had an attitude. I remember people saying I did and I did and I flaunted it. Me! Can you imagine me flaunting anything? I slowly lost that, over the years I became drained of my life force that kept me flaunting and strutting like I owned the place.

In Brooklyn it's different. You interact with people more because you walk everywhere, you commute with a million other people, not just 53 other people like on my commuter bus. 

Plus, when I was in Brooklyn I was with my family. 4 other people who talk like me, think like me and interacted with me on a regular basis. When I am home I feel energized.  I feel like I have new life and vitality that has been sucked out of me by the void that is Maryland (hah!). I feel at home in my skin in Brooklyn. Brooklyn is my life force and since I haevn't been there since March, my life force has drained slowly out of me since then.

The thought of returning this weekend has given me more energy than I have had in the months since I was back.  I feel the possibilities are endless of how I can spend my time just being invigorated by my Brooklyn surroundings.

I don't have to think of the feeling I will get when I arrive, I will already be back inside my comfortable place that is Brooklyn, my home.

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